Mar 9Liked by la chevalerie vit

Here I am, sitting back and watching the latest info on the Atlantic Oscillating Current flow starting to jink up, all the while knowing the Beaufort Gyre is 'late' for it's cyclical discharge.

Europe, in particular, will be begging for a hot tub ocean .

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The following post to the blog of the Manhattan Contrarian may be of interest to you and your readers:

New York's energy implosion has a readily ascertainable cause. The cause is for a "complex" physical system to be mistaken for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of the model that is used in determination of New York's energy policy. The "non-complex" physical system that is used for this purpose does not exhibit the property of stability while the "complex" physical system that is not used would exhibit this property. In his scientific research, the academic psychologist Matias Desmet has discovered that for a "complex" physical system to be mistaken for a "non-complex" physical system in the governance of a civilization is a precursor to imposition of totalitarian rule over this civilization. See Desmet's book entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarian Rule" for details on how this happns.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA

1-650-518-6636 (mobile)

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